English @t 9:00AM & Bengali @t 11:00AM


We are gathered together to worship the Creator who made us who we are today and is the main purpose of our lives.
The service is held every Sunday evening in LA Church SaltLake with English and Bengali translation.

Start @t 5:30pm


We are gathered together to worship the Creator who made us who we are today and is the main purpose of our lives.
The service is held every Sunday evening in LA Church Newtown with English and Bengali translation.

Live @t 9:00am


Continuing worship the God and renewing our mind and soul by his presence and word through the Online platform.
The service is held every Sunday morning in Facebook and Youtube with English and Bengali translation.


Live @t 9:00am

Read bible

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LA Church, New Town

Sunday Service

We are gathered together to worship the Creator who made us who we are today and is the main purpose of our lives.

Moment of Miracle

Moment of miracle programme is a time of prayer and spending time with GOD.

Fasting Prayer

Break the all clutches in our life through the Fasting.